Holy Name of Jesus Prayer
In the Name of Jesus we obtain every blessing and grace for time and eternity, for Christ has said: "If you ask the Father anything in my name he will give it you." (John 16:23)
Praise to the Holy Name of Jesus
O Glorious Name of Jesus,
gracious Name,
Name of love and of power!
Through You sins are forgiven,
enemies are vanquished,
the sick are freed from illness,
the suffering are made strong and cheerful.
You bring honor to believers,
instruction to preachers,
strength to those who toil,
and sustenance to the weary.
Our love for You is ardent and glowing,
through You our prayers are heard.
The souls of those who contemplate You
are filled to overflowing;
and all the blessed in heaven
are filled with Your glory.
Grant that we too may reign with them
through this Your most Holy Name. Amen.
Feast Day:
The Holy Name of Jesus second Sunday after Epiphany. The month of January is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. This feast is also celebrated on January 3.
Since the 16th century Catholic piety has associated entire months to special devotions. The devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus has been traditionally associated with the month of January, due to its celebration on January 3.
The name Jesus was given to the Holy Child at God's command (Luke 1:31).
The Holy Name is all-powerful because of the Person who bears it; we honor it because of the command of Christ, that we should pray in His Name and because it reminds us of all the blessings we receive through our Holy Redeemer. Hence St. Paul was able to write to the Philippians: ". . .at the name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" (Phil. 2:10).
Lord, I Lift Your Name on High (YouTube)
Land Acknowledgement
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board is situated upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which was an agreement between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Purchase, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation